Monday, August 13, 2007

Tarpon Time again

Last spring I traveled to the Yucatan in search of the "Silver Prince"... baby tarpon. The Yucatan has become known for large populations of baby tarpon. Ascension Bay, on the west coast of the Yucatan, is well known as a tarpon fishery, as well as other flats species. But it is also home to many lodges, pangas, tourists, and pressured fish. So to avoid the crowds I went east.
My friend Marco Ruz invited me to experience fishing with him and his guides on the Mayan Yucatan. The stop was Tarpon Cay Lodge. The flats and mangroves guarding the lodge would prove to be as great as Marco claimed. One phrase describes it best... "Tarpon Catching".

I enjoyed the fishing and experience Marco provides so much that I'm going back in 2009. I have selected dates after their winter weather cycle and during the best tides for catching tarpon. Since baby tarpon live deep in the mangroves and feed on the flats, it is important to be on the water during the low tide. Tarpon will be forced from the safety of the mangroves, where we will be waiting, ready to intercept.

A total of 5 anglers will travel with Marco and myself from Cancun, to Tarpon Cay Lodge for six days of fishing for baby tarpon and migratory fish up to 100 pounds. I would like you to be one of them. This is the best baby tarpon experience on the flats. Jose Wejebe (The Spanish Fly) totes Tarpon Cay as the largest population of baby tarpon he has ever seen.

Dates: July 12th - 19th, 2009
General Itinerary:
July 12: Arrival day (Cancun)
July 13-18: Fishing days at Tarpon Cay Lodge
July 19: Departure day (Cancun)

Rate: $3,295/angler (double occupancy room / boat-guide) 

Includes: Transportation, meals, snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, lodging, and guides.
Not included: Airfare, tackle, flies, leaders, alcohol, and gratuities.

Airfare from Portland to Cancun ranges in price from $350 to $500.

There are 2 spots left. If you would like more information about this trip, please email me at

Let's go catch some Tarpon!


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